Sun. Oct 6th, 2024
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Miranda Lambert breaks down during one of her recent concert performances while signing to a seven-year-old cancer patient that is battling cancer.

Miranda Lambert overcome with emotion in Texas

The emotional and heartbreaking breakdown came about when Miranda Lambert was singing her hit song “Over You” a song she had written for her husband country singer an Voice judge Blake Shelton when his older brother was killed in a tragic car accident when Shelton was only 14.

While Miranda Lambert was performing her concert in Corpus Christi, Texas the singer broke down on stage, getting so choked u she was unable to finish the song.

Miranda Lambert immediately breaks down when she bent down to hold the hand of a 7-year-old fan, Brooke Hester who is battling stage 4 neuroblastoma.

Cancer fighter causes heart felt emotion in Miranda Lambert

Brooke was in the audience to see her favorite performer sing, sporting a pink cowboy hat and a face mask. The sight of this courageous young girl touched the heart of Miranda Lambert so deeply that she let the tears stream down her face uncontrollably, wiping them away from time to time, until Miranda Lambert’s breakdown became so out of control her fans in the crowd finished singing the song for her.

Euroblastoma is an aggressive form of cancer that attacks the nerve tissue. Brooke has battled this cruel disease for more than half of her young life.

She has been battling incredible pain an suffering while going through treatments and chemo in various hospitals. It is incredibly heartbreaking to hear of such suffering in anyone, especially such a young child. Here at HND our thoughts and prayers go out o Brooke and her family during this difficult time.

By Ruby Roberts

Ruby is an entertainment writer with a passion for music and a nose for gossip.

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