Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

2016 celebrity predictions: Celebrity psychic Thomas John reveals deaths, splits and scandals in 2016

Some of the 2016 celebrity psychic predictions are beginning to surface and there are some doozies! Famed celebrity psychic Thomas Johns has revealed a few major upcoming star predictions that we see in the upcoming New Year. As far as credibility,  Thomas Johns has allegedly in the past successfully predicted the celebrity divorce of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes and the passing of both Whitney Houston and Etta.

2016 celebrity predictions revealed

The author of the best-selling book “Never Argue with a Dead Person”,  Thomas John has given a sneak peek into what he sees in store for some of our favorite celebs in 2016. Let’s start with Justin Bieber. Every Belieber knows that Justin has had quite the time staying out of trouble in the past. However, John feels that 2016 is going to be a great for Justin Bieber. He also predicts he sees Justin and Selena spending a great deal of time together, but nothing official.

Major prediction for Miley Cyrus revealed by psychic Thomas Johns

Another celebrity that has trouble following him on a daily basis, Charlie Sheen. 2016 will continue to be a rough time and Sheen will be banned from Hollywood for a while before making an impressive comeback. Hold on to your hats on this next one fans. This could be major for Miley Cyrus and includes motherhood! John sees Miley Cyrus making plans to adopt a child in 2016. If true, this could out to b one of the scariest celebrity predictions of the New Year. Can you see Miley as a mother?

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris will be involved in a major scandal that sadly could lead to a breakup for the couple. Prince Harry will finally settle down nd make an engagement announcement in 2017.

Thomas predicts a major celebrity couple will split. It looks as if it could be the end of Beyonce and Jay-Z, but not before an affair scandal unfolds. John predicts that new evidence will arise proving that the late Marilyn Monroe’s death was actually a murder.

Sadly with the celebrity life predictions also comes, unfortunately, the celebrity death predictions. Hopefully, these will not prove to be true because no-one wants to see any of their fave stars pass away right? But, in the upcoming year for the following list of celebrities Thomas John does not have good feelings about. This list which includes Betty White, Hillary Clinton, Dolly Parton, Michael J Fox, and Burt Reynolds. Let’s hope these prove to be wrong.

What do you think about celebrity psychic Thomas John’s 2016 celebrity predictions? Do you believe any of these could be accurate?

By Ruby Roberts

Ruby is an entertainment writer with a passion for music and a nose for gossip.

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