“Bates Motel” season 2 is heating up fast, and viewers are loving it. This week is no exception as the Bates family continue to get themselves in trouble.
‘Bates Motel’ season 2, episode 5 — ‘The Escape Artist’
In “The Escape Artist,” Norman will trust Cody with a Bates family secret, but which one? There are so many.
Meanwhile, Dylan will find himself fighting for life as Zane’s war continues to rage on. Will he escape the drug war with his life, and will he ever be able to get away from his dangerous profession?
All the while, Norman makes a deal with a mysterious man, who will help her try to stop construction on the new bypass. However, Norma’s new friend could cause big trouble for her son Norman, and the rest of the Bates family.
Be sure to check back after the episode for a full recap, which will be posted below.
‘Bates Motel’ recap
Norman wakes up after his psychotic episode with Caleb and finds he’s with Cody. He doesn’t remember anything about what happened with Caleb.
Dylan is sleeping at the warehouse, and wakes up to the news that Romero’s house has been burnt down. He comes to the realization that Zane is the one who did it.
Norma tells Norman that Dylan moved out, and that there’s nothing they can do, obviously still on edge from revealing that Caleb is Dylan’s father. “We have to move on,” she tells him.
Romero comes to Bates Motel, telling Norma he needs a room due to his house being destroyed. Meanwhile, Norma calls Nick Ford, the man who she hopes will help her stop the bypass project in town.
Nick tells Norma that he has some ideas about how to stop the bypass, and invites her to his boat for a meeting. Norman tells Emma that Dylan moved out because he and Norma haven’t been getting along.
Emma’s new potential boyfriend comes in and wants to take her out after work. They agree to head to the beach that evening. “He sells pot you know,” Norman tells her. “Nobody’s perfect,” she replies as Cody pulls in.
Norma sees Cody with her rugged clothes, loud music, and smoking a cigarette. She immediately doesn’t like Cody. Cody gives Norma an attitude and Norman probably hasn’t heard the last of this.
Cody looks worried when she tells Norman that she forget the money she was supposed to use for lumber, and they have to go get it.
Cody goes into her house to get the money and sees her father, who isn’t happy with her. When Norman comes to find her he hears her arguing with her dad. Cody tells Norman that they should take the money and leave town, but decide against it.
Emma asks Norma what it’s like to have sex, as she’s the only female influence in her life. Norma tells her that it should be lovely if he’s a good person, and she has feelings for him.
Norma meets Nick on his boat. She soon realizes that Nick is very rich, and seemingly very powerful. Nick tells Norma that she can be the face of shutting down the bypass project, but that he can’t be publicly involved because he’s “too mixed up” with the on goings of the town. He gives her the name of a man to go see to help her.
Norma takes off to see the man Nick sent her to, and he gives her an environmental impact report, telling her an endangered species lives on the land where they want to build the bypass, which should stop the project, for now.
Dylan’s busy at work when Zane enters and asks him to lunch, telling Remo he can’t go, as to be alone with Dylan. Zane walks out to get in his care and Romero is there to greet him with his fists. “That’s the warm up,” he tells Zane, promising to bury him and his business in the ground.
Cody takes Norman into a field where she likes to hang out and gives him a beer. Norman drinks it although he seems uncomfortable.
Cody tells Norman she’s thinking of hitchhiking to Mexico. Norman says he feels safe with Cody, and tells her that he’s blacked out a few times before. Cody runs into the woods and Norman follows. They climb a ladder into a tall tree house where Cody seemingly likes to hide out. The pair begin kissing and then have sex.
Norma finds Romero looking beat up after his fight with Zane. She offers to clean up his cut, and he follows her to her house as she takes care of his wounds. The two have a nice moment and Norma tells Romero she’s working with Nick Ford, he tells her to stay away from him because he’s trouble, and in the drug business.
Dylan tries to call Norman, who doesn’t answer. Zane walks in and tells him Romero beat him up. The two come out of their restaurant and a black car begins shooting at them. Dylan pulls out his gun and shoots back. The car hits him hard.
Norma tells Norman that Cody isn’t decent because she’s disrespectful and rude. ”Woman can be tricky,” she tells him. “That’s the kind of girl that can get you in to trouble.”
Norma tells her son she doesn’t want him to see Cody anymore, and he says he won’t spend time with her outside of the play.
Emma’s date ends with her losing her virginity to her new drug dealer boyfriend.
Norma debates her partnership with Nick as Romero tells him that the city councilman she was fighting died in a car crash. Was Nick involved? It’s very likely.
Dylan wakes up in the hospital with Zane’s sister, who tells him they’ll take care of all his expenses, and reveals she’s his boss.
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