“Big Brother” Week 7 shocked the houseguests with a double eviction. The Head of Household Jared decided to nominate Cory and America. However, the house knew a backdoor plan could be in order. When Jag won the Power of Veto, he opted to take Cory off of the block. Jared then placed public enemy number one, Cameron, on the block.
Big Brother Week 7: Did Cam finally get evicted?
With Cameron on the block with no chance to defend himself, it was the perfect time to pull off another backdoor eviction. Previously, the house evicted Hisam in a backdoor move. Cam knew that he was out the door. However, a twist from the Scaryverse made some guests question Cam’s safety.
All of the houseguests voted to evict Cameron in a move that was not shocking at all. Cameron knew that the cast was gunning for him, and jokingly feigned shock when he was voted off. Meanwhile, Cam was a good sport and said he was happy for the cast members to finally vote him out. However, Cam was revealed to be a “Big Brother” zombie, meaning his game wasn’t fully dead.
Cory is the Week 8 HoH, Jared and Blue nominated
Moments after Cameron’s “eviction,” the houseguests competed in the Week 8 “Head of Household” competition. Cory immediately won the HoH, and was met with a big hug from his showmance America. Cory quickly had to begin holding meetings with his houseguests in order to figure out who he wanted to nominate for the double eviction.
Ultimately, Cory decided to nominate the house’s power couple, Jared and Blue. The two have a showmance, and it seemed to Cory wanted to separate the pair. However, they got to play the veto competition right away in hopes of saving themselves. Matt, Jag, Mecole, and Cory joined them in the PoV comp. After the quick competition, Matt won the Power of Veto.
Matt won the Power of Veto, Jared evicted
Matt won the Power of Veto, but decided to keep the noms the same. This meant that “Big Brother” couple Blue and Jared were going to be separated. The houseguests only had a few moments to talk things over before the live second eviction of the night. Soon after, Jared was evicted from the “Big Brother 25” house. Everyone but Cirie voted to evict Jared, not surprisingly. However, like Cameron, he was named a BB zombie.
Cameron and Jared are Big Brother zombies — What does this mean?
Both Jared and Cameron were revealed to be “Big Brother” zombies, and one of them are going to be offered. the chance to resurrect their game after returning to the house for another week. Instead of a Head of Household and PoV comp this week, it will be all about Cam and Jared. One of them will officially be back in the house. The other, will then officially go home when the week ends.
Image Credits: YouTube, YouTube, YouTube.