Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Blake Jenner Confirms Ex-Wife Melissa Benoist’s Abuse Allegations, Claims He Was Also A Victim

Blake Jenner poses for an Instagram photo.

Former Glee star Blake Jenner is confirming the abuse allegations made by his ex-wife, Melissa Benoist. The actor took to his Instagram account this week to share a lengthy six-slide statement that confirmed that he was in a toxic and abusive relationship with his former co-star and wife.

Blake Jenner speaks out on Melissa Benoist abuse claims

Benoist had previously revealed that she had been in an abusive relationship, but didn’t name Jenner as her abuser. This week, Jenner took it upon himself to confirm her allegations, revealing that the couple were very much in love, but also abused each other mentally, emotionally, and physically.

“It is important to understand that there was mental, emotional and physical abuse inflicted from both ends. As a result, my former partner and I began to see a therapist together, but despite numerous attempts to work our issues out, we would find ourselves stuck in this toxic cycle that our relationship became,” he wrote.

While Jenner stated that he took responsibility for his part in the abusive relationship, he also stated that he endured his own abuse, and called himself a “victim” as well, even revealing that he was treated at the hospital for his injuries.

“I was scratched. I was slapped. I was punched in the face, which caused a trip to the hospital to treat my broken nose. I, too, have had to conceal and make up lies about many visible injuries I had incurred throughout the relationship,” he alleged, via Us Weekly.

The ‘Glee’ star says he’s worked on his issues

Jenner went on to say that he has received help and worked on his issues since ending the relationship. He says that while he can’t take the pain of the past away, he can work to ensure that he will never repeat those mistakes going forward.

Nearly one year ago, Benoist opened up about her experiences with abuse.

“The stark truth is, I learned what it felt like to be pinned down and slapped repeatedly, punched so hard the wind was knocked out of me, dragged by my hair across pavement, head butted, pinched until my skin broke, shoved into a wall so hard the drywall broke, choked,” she alleged via Instagram in November 2019.

Jenner and Benoist met on the set of Glee in 2012 when the show infused the cast with some younger characters. They became engaged in 2013, and got married in 2015. However, it was rumored that they may have tied the knot before then. The couple announced their divorce just months later and Benoist filed for divorce in December of 2016.

By Amanda Lynne

Amanda has been an entertainment writer for 15 years. She has a great love for all things pop culture, and is a TV fanatic. She is also an avid reader and a huge sports fan and loves to cheer on her favorite teams.

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