Bobbi Kristina Brown changes revealed: Houstons admit that Bobbi is breathing on her own

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Bobbi Kristina Brown’s medical status has changed drastically.Conflicting reports concerning Bobbi Kristina’s condition began erupting after Bobby Brown shocked concert goers on Saturday night in Dallas stating that Bobbi Kristina is awake and watching him. As previously reported by HND that statement was quickly shot down by the Houston family who claimed that BK was still in a coma and remains on life support.

Bobbi Kristina Brown making progress

Today however the Houston family seems to be back pedaling on Saturday’s remarks concerning Bobbi Kristina’s condition. The family has now revealed that the Brown’s were right and that Bobbi Kristina is off of life support and breathing on her own at this time.However the Houstons also state that Bobbi Kristina is far from out of the woods, and that there is no real hope at this time because the doctors have said that the amount of brain damage that Bobbi Kristina has suffered is irreversible at this point. So her prognosis is still very grim.

Brown/Houston family remain at odds over Bobbi Kristina’s medical treatment

What is confusing to fans is why the two families continue to remain on different pages where Bobbi Kristina is concerned. The latest reports reveal that the Houston family has stated to TMZ that while Bobbi Kristina is breathing on her own, the trach will remain in place and that she remains unresponsive at this time. It is been speculated that Bobbi Kristina’s millions also have a lot to do with how each family believes things should be handled.

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Alicia Etheredge-Brown said that her husband was in “an emotional state” when he spoke out to a concert crowd, though he is encouraged that his daughter “has made it out of ICU, opened her eyes, and started a rehabilitation that will be long and hard.” Added Christopher Brown, Bobby Brown’s lawyer, “Doctors have indicated that she will have a long life. However, Bobbi Kristina is presently embarking on a rehabilitation process and the quality of her life will not be known for years to come.”

This has been an emotionally draining and hard time for both the brown and Houston family since Bobbi Kristina was found on January 31 face down and unresponsive in her Georgia home bathtub.WE can only hope that Bobbi Kristina Brown is getting the best care available, and that if she recovers, she recovers fully so she may live a full and productive life. However if Bobbi Kristina is not making progress, it is hoped by fans that the family make the right decisions, and let her pass with dignity should that be the last resort.

What are your thoughts, do you believe Bobbi Kristina will make a full recovery, or do you believe there is something more going on within the family where she is concerned?

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By Kenna Raye

Ruby is an entertainment writer with a passion for music and a nose for gossip.

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