After years of speculation Bruce Jenner has confirmed that he’s transgender and transitioning from a man to a woman. In his new in depth interview with Diane Sawyer Bruce tells the secrets he’s been sadly keeping inside for over fifty years.
Bruce Jenner Interview: Bruce confirms transition to Diane Sawyer
“I am a woman,” Jenner told Sawyer in the first few minutes of the interview. “My brain is much more female than it is male,” said Jenner. “For all intents and purposes, I am a woman.”
Bruce Jenner revealed to Diane Sawyer during the interview how he explained his sex change decision to his six children and four step-children. “I’ve always been very confused about my sexual identity since I was this big,” Jenner said, explaining, “God’s looking down making little Bruce ok? He’s looking down and he says, ‘Ok what are we gonna do with this one? Make him a smart kid, very determined.’ He gave me all these wonderful qualities then at the end he’s just finishing, he said we gotta give him something! Everybody in their life has something they have to deal with … Let’s give him the soul of a female and see how he uses it.”
During the interview Bruce admitted that he told his first wife Christy about his feelings, but it was his second wife Linda knew the most. Bruce admitted his feelings of being a woman to Linda and the couple went to therapy to try and work through it. Unfortunately, the marriage ended after his two sons Brandon and Brody were born. “My gender was a big part of the break up,” Jenner revealed.
As we previously reported by Hollywood News Daily, Bruce began a transition in the 1980’s after feeling that he just couldn’t live as a man anymore. However, the Olympian lost his nerve for fear of public scrutiny and his children’s rejection. After taking hormones for 5 years he stopped the treatments.
Bruce Jenner sex change: ‘I am a woman’
Jenner even admitted that he would dress like a woman and go out in public, but was amazingly never found out. While Bruce says he is not gay and has a strong attraction to women, he admitted that he’s not worried about any future relationships or sexual preferences right now. He only wants to live as his true self.
Bruce also touched on his marriage to Kris Jenner, saying that when he began a relationship with her he had just come off five years of hormone therapy and had size 36-B breasts that he couldn’t hide from his new partner, so he told her about some of his issues and the cross dressing, an issue that Kris didn’t much seem concerned with at the time. Jenner even says his wife saw him in drag, and was very nonchalant about it.
“I loved Kris. I had a wonderful life with her. I learned a lot from her. I thought we had a pretty good sex life,” Bruce Jenner said of his marriage to Kris. Later, Bruce joked that all the time fans were watching “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” that he was the one with the juiciest story. “The one real, true story in the family was the one I was hiding.”
Jenner said that Kris took the news very hard, and that, for him, it’s what ended their marriage. “If she would have been really good with it, and understanding, we’d probably still be together.” However, Bruce just couldn’t live a lie any more and new he needed to make the change for his own well being. “If I die, I’d be so mad at myself that I didn’t explore that side of me, and I didn’t want that to happen,” Bruce said.
While Bruce Jenner’s first two wives Christy and Linda gave supportive statements to Diane Sawyer, which were featured on the interview Friday night, Kris Jenner had no comment.
Bruce Jenner’s Children React To Gender Reassignment News
As for telling his children about his transition, Bruce says he was “terrified” to reveal his true self to them. “I can’t let myself hurt them.” Jenner says that he told them he wasn’t going anywhere and that their upbringing was just as much by “her” as it was by Bruce. Third born son Brandon Jenner was the first child he told. Brandon tells Diane Sawyer that it’s “tragic” his father had to hide his feelings for so long, and that he’s “proud” to call Bruce his dad.
All four of Bruce Jenner’s older children, Burt, Cassandra, Brandon, and Brody all lovingly reached out to ABC to appear on the interview special in support of their father. The four of them also admitted that they’ve seen their father as a woman and are calling Bruce “her” now.
However, it was Kim Kardashian who was the first one of the children to see him cross dressing. Kim caught Bruce in a dress and the two had a few awkward encounters about it later. Jenner admits that another time Kendall and Kylie caught Bruce wearing a dress and looking at himself in the full length mirror in their bedroom.
Bruce says all the Kardashian’s cried when he told them about the transition, and that Khloe Kardashian is taking it the hardest. “She’s had the toughest time with it.” However, all the girls are having a tough time seeing him as a woman. Jenner then admitted that Kim Kardashian’s husband Kanye West actually helped her understand it all. “Kimberly has been by far the most accepting,” Jenner said, adding that Bruce has to “look good” while representing the family.
Bruce says he’ll soon re-emerge as “himself,” but won’t reveal his new female name just yet, as the media would go crazy with it and he still has some time before that’s revealed, and isn’t planning the full sex change surgery just yet, saying it’s “down the line.” Bruce says “I just want to enjoy life.”
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