Wed. Feb 26th, 2025
PR Photos

Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell have split. The couple, who have been married for 2 years, have called it quits, their rep confirms.

Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell split

“Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell have decided to separate. They both love and respect one another and will of course remain committed to co-parenting their son. This is a mutual decision and the two remain close friends.”

Evan and Jamie first met in 2004 on the set of the Green Day video “Wake Me Up When September Ends.” Eight years later they tied the knot and just last July the couple welcomed a baby boy whose name have never been revealed to the public.

The couple have one son together

Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell have not been on a red carpet together since last November, as it seems they were likely have marriage issues for quite some time. We wish them the best during this hard time and hope they can co-parent successfully after the divorce.

What do you think of Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell’s split? Tweet us @OMGNewsDaily or leave a comment below.

By Amanda Lynne

Amanda has been an entertainment writer for 15 years. She has a great love for all things pop culture, and is a TV fanatic. She is also an avid reader and a huge sports fan and loves to cheer on her favorite teams.

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