Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 Finale: What Happened In ‘Winds Of Winter?’


The “Game of Thrones” Season 6 finale aired on Sunday night, and it was insane to say the least. The action packed episode had everyone talking, and so much went down that our heads are spinning!

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 Finale: What Happened In ‘Winds Of Winter?’

“Game of Thrones” really outdid themselves with the final two episodes of Season 6. After “Battle Of The Bastards,” we thought it may be hard to top that in the finale, but it happened in “Winds of Winter.” Check out all of the amazing moments from each character below.


Jon Snow: Jon along with his sister Sansa are back in Winterfell, and are readjusting to being back home after defeating the Bolton army. Jon learns that Melisandre killed Princess Shireen, and banishes her from Winterfell and threatens her life. Melisandre leaves, and the Stark supporters back Jon the new King of The North, although he’s only a bastard.


Sansa Stark: Sansa is back in Winterfell and Little Finger is creepily sniffing around. Little Finger tells Sansa that his dream is to sit on the Iron Throne with her by his side as his wife. Sansa shuts him down, thankfully refusing to hook up with the man that sold her off to Ramsay Bolton.


Daenerys Targaryen: Dany tells Daario that he must stay in Meeren and not accompany her to Westeros, as she wants to build alliances by marrying someone, and she can’t do that with her lover in tow. Meanwhile, she makes Tyrion the hand of the Queen, and sets sail with her massive army, dragons, and fleet, which now includes Theon and Yara Greyjoy for Westeros. She’s ready to take her place on the Iron Throne, which is the thing “Game of Thrones” viewers have been waiting six seasons for.

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Arya Stark: When last we saw Arya she was leaving Braavos and headed back home to Westeros, and while she may have left the Faceless Men, she hasn’t forgotten what she’s learned. Arya wears a face in order to kill Walder Frey’s sons and back them into a pie that she feeds to him. She then slits his throat, crossing another name off of her list.


Samwell Tarly: Sam and Gilly finally arrive at the Citadel, where he can’t believe the size of the great library. The only catch is that Gilly and Little Sam aren’t allowed.


Cersei Lannister: Cersei may have had the most wild ride in the “Game of Thrones” Season 6 finale. It is the day of her trial and she’s nowhere to be found. Queen Margaery believes that because Cersei and Tommen are both absent that something is very wrong. Meanwhile, we see the little “birds” (children) running about King’s Landing. Grand Maester Pycelle is stabbed to death and Lancel Lannister is lead to the depth of the Sept where he finds cases and cases of wildfire, which ignites and blows up, killing EVERYONE in the sept. This includes The High Sparrow, Margaery, and Loras. Later, Tommen, who was kept away from the sept by Cersei, learns of his wife’s death and jumps out the window to his own death. After Tommen’s death and the killing of the Sparrows, Cersei is named Queen and takes her place on the Iron Throne just as her brother Jaime Lannister walks in to see it all go down.

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Bran Stark: Bran Stark is the new Three-Eyed Raven, and he wastes no time heading right back to the Tower of Joy with a young version of his father. This time, he goes inside and finds out exactly who is in the tower. Bran watches as his father walks in on his dying sister, Lyanna Stark, who has just given birth to a child. Lyanna whispers in her brothers ear that he is to take care of the baby and protect him. We know now that Jon Snow is not Ned Stark’s bastard, but the product of Lyanna Stark, and likely Rhaegar Targaryen. This is the biggest revelation in “Game of Thrones” history!

So much happened in the “Game of Thrones” Season 6 finale, and fans are chomping at the bit to find out what will become of all the characters when Season 7 rolls around next year. Unfortunately, it is going to be a very long, and painful, wait.

What did you think of the “Game of Thrones” Season 6 finale? Tweet us @OMGNewsDaily or leave a comment below.


By Amanda Lynne

Amanda has been an entertainment writer for 15 years. She has a great love for all things pop culture, and is a TV fanatic. She is also an avid reader and a huge sports fan and loves to cheer on her favorite teams.

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