Jenelle Evans had her day in court with her mom, Barbara Evans, on Wednesday, October 25. Once again, things did not go well for the former “Teen Mom” star in court. So after court, the reality television personality once again took to social media to rage about the unfair treatment she and her husband, David Evans, allegedly received.
Teen Mom Jenelle Evans Screams at Paparazzi Outside of Courthouse
When Jenelle Evans arrived at the Columbus County, North Carolina courthouse on Wednesday, she was furious. Jenelle showed up alone and ten minutes late for the hearing, which was a check-in on her teenage son, Jace Evans.

The Ashley posted an exclusive photo of a furious Jenelle outside the courthouse, screaming at reporters and flipping them off. The website states that the “Teen Mom” star was livid and began shouting at the paparazzi, ‘Thanks for respecting my privacy!’ Their sources reportedly said, “Jace and Barbara were there but were not near Jenelle.”
Court Rules in Favor of Barbara Evans
Jenelle Evans’ mood was no better following the hearing. Per The Sun, a judge ruled that Jace would remain under his grandmother Barabra Evans’s care, at least for now. The judge was reportedly pleased with Jace’s progress and happy to hear that he is enrolled in school and things are going smoothly. The case is being continued for now, and both women will appear in court again soon.
The current hearing has nothing to do with Jenelle Evans’s husband, David Eason’s alleged child abuse charges. So, Jenelle will likely spend a lot of time in court in the upcoming months.

Jenelle doesn’t waste much time following the hearing before returning to social media to rant about her court experience and the paparazzi lurking outside the courthouse. Following the breaking news about David Eason’s alleged child abuse charges, Jenelle stated she was ready to go MIA (missing in action) for a while. However, after today’s court appearance, the angry mom appears to have changed her mind.
Jenelle Evans Defends David Eason…Again and Again
Following her Wednesday, October 25, court hearing, Jenelle Evans again took to social media to rant. During a recent TikTok, Jenelle expressed her anger and let everyone know she was standing by her husband, David Eason.

” I’m gonna make sure that I’m taking care of my mental health and that I’m completely fine, and so are my kids,” she continued. “… I’m gonna stand strong, and I’m gonna support my husband because I know the truth, God knows the truth. And YOU don’t!

“I’m like, ‘Y’all, I got a slew of evidence to show you, please can I present it?’ and no one will let me present it,” she said. “No one will let me talk about it! So this s**t keeps getting continued, but I am ready, so, yes, I am prepared like I’ve always been my whole life!

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