Jenelle Evans and husband David Eason appeared to have been making a statement of some sort when they pulled up for court Thursday with what looks to have been a handgun lying in plain sight on the dash of their car according to TMZ.
One may think that after Jenelle Evans and David Eason’s children were removed from their custody that they would be at least appearing to be walking the straight and narrow during their custody battle.
Things at this point are not looking too good for Jenelle and David to regain custody of the children at least anytime soon that is. It has been one bizarre turn of events after the next for the former Teen Mom 2 star since David viciously beat and killed the family dog Nugget.
The court appearance did not go in their favor and the kids are still in protective custody with other family members at this time. As many Teen Mom 2 fans well know David Eason appears to have anger issues and likes to appear intimidating.
Many believe that if the object on the car’s dash was indeed a handgun then most likely Jenelle and David left it in plain view as a way of sending a message to their haters and photographers.
Eason has posted multiple social media videos making threats to anyone who trespasses on his property and tries to intrude upon his and Evan’s lives.
One thing is for sure now that CPS has stepped in…again they are not going to make it easy for Jenelle Evans and David Eason to regain custody. As previously reported following the dog killing Jenelle took the children and left the family home, posting that she was considering divorcing Eason.
A few days later and after David Eason stated he needed help with his anger management issues, would attend counseling and get a job Jenelle Evans returned home to Eason telling her followers that she and David were going to be working on their marriage.
Now it is alleged that the time has come for Jenelle Evans to choose between her children and her husband David Eason, and at this time it appears as if Jenelle has chosen David. They plan to continue fighting CPS, and it is expected to be a long and hard battle with the odds stacked against them.