Fri. Oct 4th, 2024

Jessica Biel Tired Of Dealing With ‘Spoiled Brat’ Justin Timberlake, He Is ‘On Thin Ice’

Jessica Biel - Justin Timberlake
Image Source: Late Late Show YouTube -The Tonight Show youTube

Jessica Biel has been about as patient as a wife can be with her husband, Justin Timberlake. But her patience ran out, and this was Justin’s final warning. The Cry Me A River singer has only one chance left to get his life together, or Jessica will walk. Or so she says.

Over the years, their marriage has struggled. It seems as if every time Jessica Biel starts feeling comfortable in their relationship, Justin Timberlake does something else that lands him in hot water with her. Justin recently cleared up his last humiliating blunder following his June DWI arrest in New York.

Now that his legal issues are behind him, thanks to a plea deal at a lesser charge, things should start looking up. That is, if Justin can walk the straight and narrow and avoid trouble. But even though his legal issues are over, one major problem in his life is his wife, Jessica Biel.

Sources close to the celebrity couple tell In Touch that all is not well between the pair. Jessica has stood by Justin’s side for the last time. Insiders claim that the mother of two has difficulty getting over his previous humiliation.

“Justin has humiliated her again,” the insider states. “This could all lead to a divorce bombshell. No one would be shocked if Jessica issued Justin an ultimatum: Get help — or it’s over.”

Justin Timberlake Continues to Make Promise After Promise To Jessica Biel

It is no secret how much Jessica loves Justin. However, she has her limits and is close to breaking them. Every time Justin messes up, he thinks an apology and some sweet-talking promises will win Jessica over. In the past, that has worked well. However, Jessica is older now, and she has been through it all with Justin. She claims she will no longer cave in on his false promises to change.

“There’s still hope for their marriage, however, the source reveals. “As much as she doesn’t want a divorce, if Justin doesn’t get his act together and start consistently putting in the work on himself and proving that he’s changed, she will walk.”

However, Jessica Biel clarified to Justin Timberlake that she was sick of his spoiled brat attitude. Even the couple’s closest friends say they are sick of the singer’s apologies and constant excuses. “He’s got a serious reputation for being a spoiled brat, and the big question is whether he’ll ever straighten up for the long run or keep living in denial over his problems. His sense of entitlement is the biggest issue.”

While a lot of people think she’s a little brainwashed, the people who know her well insist she’s got a lot more backbone than the public realizes. She’s very good at making a show of supporting him for the cameras, but privately, she’s a tough cookie and has let it be known he’s on thin ice with her.” But the show is over.

Justin Timberlake needs to do some serious growing up and make the change from a spoiled boy to a grown man. It will take a lot to prove himself to Jessica Biel; she won’t be so easy to fool this time. It is entirely up to Justin how this plays out. Either way, Jessica Biel’s friends reveal that she will carry on, whether Justin is by her side or not. Well, time will tell.

Image Credits: Jessica Biel/Instagram.

By Ruby Roberts

Ruby is an entertainment writer with a passion for music and a nose for gossip.

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