Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Kim Kardashian Kanye West stand united in wheelchair incident

Kim K. selling dream house. (Twitter)

Kim Kardashian Kanye West are standing together in a united front following last weekend’s wheelchair incident in Sydney calling media reports all lies.

Kim Kardashian runs to defend Kanye West on instagram

Kim Kardashian is defending her husband rapper Kanye West after last weekend’s Sydney concert came to a screeching halt when Kanye West insisted everyone in attendance stand for him including the wheelchair bound fans or he would not continue with the performance.

Kim Kardashian blames media for twisting facts at Kanye’s concert

Kim Kardashian took to Instagram to defend Kanye West saying that the media reports were “frustrating.” Kim also posted concert footage with the post “What an amazing Australian tour! It’s frustrating that something so awesome could be clouded by lies in the media. Kanye never asked anyone in a wheelchair to stand up & the audience videos show that. He asked for everyone to stand up & dance UNLESS they were in a wheelchair. #JustWantedEveryoneToHaveAFunNight #TheMediaTwistsThings.”
As previously reported here at HND on Friday night Kanye West stopped mid performance during his concert in Sydney, Australia and stated to concert goers that he had no plans to start his next song until everyone in the audience stood up for him. Kanye West ranted and pointed his finger out into the crowd at two people who were not standing up as he demanded calling out the two people who were wheelchair bound.

“This is the longest I’ve had to wait,” he added even more annoyed. When the two fans did not get up someone finally told Kanye that they were wheelchair bound.Kanye West then graciously changed his tone and announced to them that “In a wheelchair is fine.”

Another report alleges a fan was forced to waver her prosthetic leg in the air before getting Kanye West’s approval of “Ok, you fine.” Obviously Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have huge egos and do not quite understand when not everyone is not willing to stroke them so they make sure to build each other up, when others refuse. Excuses, excuses Kimye.

What do you think about the great Kim Kardashian Kanye West standoff?



By Ruby Roberts

Ruby is an entertainment writer with a passion for music and a nose for gossip.

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