Kourtney Kardashian Disgusted By Kim Kardashian’s Naked Paper Mag Photos

Kourtney Kardashian disgusted by Kim Kardashian naked photos. (E!)

Kourtney Kardashian is allegedly disgusted by Kim Kardashian’s naked Paper Magazine photo shoot. The soon-to-be mother of 3 isn’t happy about her little sister’s choice to go nude for all to see.

Kourtney Kardashian disgusted by Kim Kardashian’s naked photos

“She thinks it’s disgusting, especially since she is a mother now,” an insider tells In Touch of the pregnant mom of two, 35. “She doesn’t understand why Kim would go completely nude knowing that one day little North is going to see it and think it’s alright to pose nude, too.”

Meanwhile, Kourtney Kardashian isn’t the only one upset over Kim Kardashian’s naked photo shoot. Kim Kardashian’s mom, Kris Jenner, is allegedly angry that she didn’t get to broker the deal for Kim, and thinks her daughter did some bad business.

Kris Jenner furious over Kim’s bad business deal

“Kris is pissed that Kim didn’t have her broker the deal,” says a source. “She was mad Kim didn’t get paid to take her clothes off. Kris wanted her 10 percent! She wasn’t mad about the nudity— she just thinks it was a bad business deal.”

Despite all the backlash, Radar Online reports that Kim Kardashian is very happy with the way her naked Paper Magazine shoot turned out. “She thinks that they are super classy,” an insider said. “She loves the way her body looks.”

The nude photo spread is said to be Kim Kardashian’s last stand before getting pregnant again with she and Kanye West’s second child.

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