Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Mayans Season 5: Did Angel Set The Warehouse On Fire?

Mayans Season 5 spoilers: Did Angel set the warehouse fire?

Mayans Season 5 is set to be the most dramatic yet. The Sons of Anarchy spin-off series has announced that the fifth season will be its last. This means that anything goes, and every character is in jeopardy of losing their life. While fans are still reeling from Coco’s death in Season 4, more casualties are indeed on the way for the Santo Padre crew.

One of the biggest questions that will need to be answered during Mayans Season 5 is who set the warehouse and all the drugs on fire? There are a few suspects, but EZ’s brother Angel is among the top. There is a ton of tension between EZ and Angel at the moment. Angel isn’t thrilled about his younger brother ousting Marcus Alvarez as the Mayans’ president and taking the title for himself. However, he felt forced to go along with his brothers in the vote that left Marcus out in the cold, per Entertainment Weekly.

Mayans Season 5 spoilers: Who set the fire?

Now, the Mayans are going to war with the Sons of Anarchy, and it’s sure to get bloody. EZ is determined to may the Sons pay for Coco’s death and their other trespasses against his club. Meanwhile, the new Santa Padre pres is also ready to get back into the drug business. Planning to get back into bed with Miguel, EZ wants to sell drugs again in order to make the club a lot of money. However, Angel isn’t exactly happy about EZ’s recent power-hungry decisions, like killing Gabby!

In the Season 4 finale, fans watched a hooded figure set the warehouse and all of the drugs ablaze. This will not only ruin EZ’s plans to get back into the drug game, it will also make him look a bit weak to the club. As their new president, EZ will immediately be challenged by the loss the fire brings. This could prove to be a difficult task for the young and inexperienced president.

Why would Angel start the fire?

While fans haven’t been let in on the secret of who started the fire, many think that it may have been Angel. Recently, Angel was reunited with his son, Maverick, and is building a life for himself. Getting caught up in a war with the SOA and trafficking drugs isn’t something that he particularly wants to do. In addition, he’s been watching his brother fall deeper and deeper into club life and lose himself in the process.

Angel has plenty of motives to have started the fire. However, would he really go against EZ and the rest of the club? Fans will have to wait until Mayans Season 5 returns to find out more.

Image Credits: YouTube, YouTube.

By Amanda Lynne

Amanda has been an entertainment writer for 15 years. She has a great love for all things pop culture, and is a TV fanatic. She is also an avid reader and a huge sports fan and loves to cheer on her favorite teams.

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