Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Michael Phelps to enter rehab following DUI arrest


Michael Phelps the USA Olympic medal winner has revealed that he has made the decision to enter rehab just days after being arrested for his second DUI arrest.

Phelps reveals he needs rehab

Michael Phelps announced his decision on Sunday on his official Facebook page to his followers stating,“The past few days have been extremely difficult. I recognize that this is not my first lapse in judgment, and I am extremely disappointed with myself. I’m going to take some time away to attend a program that will provide the help I need to better understand myself.”

Radar reports that Michael Phelps has committed to a six week inpatient rehabilitation program after as previously reported that Michael Phelps had been arrested and charged with his second DUI arrest in the past ten years.
Phelps tweeted following his arrest last week posting, “I understand the severity of my actions and take full responsibility,” he tweeted later that day.

Michael Phelps on the right path to recovery

The 29-year-old swimmer recently revealed that he was ready to get back into the sport full time but hat this plan will come at a later date now,

“Swimming is a major part of my life, but right now I need to focus my attention on me as an individual, and do the necessary work to learn from this experience and make better decisions in the future.”

Better late than never, lets wish Michael Phelps good luck with his recover, it is not easy to admit you need help, especially when you are a young celebrity, better t face the music now and move on that experience an Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan lifestyle.

Do you think Michael Phelps is serious about recovery, or looking for a lenience sentence form the courts?

By Ruby Roberts

Ruby is an entertainment writer with a passion for music and a nose for gossip.

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