MLB new rules have fans scratching their heads. Major League Baseball has introduced several new rules for the 2023 season, aimed at increasing action and speeding up gameplay. These rules have been met with mixed reactions from fans and players alike. In this blog post, we will go over all of the new rules that the MLB has put in place for the upcoming season, including the controversial pitch clock, per NY Times.
New Rule #1: The Pitch Clock
Perhaps the most significant change for the 2023 MLB season is the introduction of the pitch clock. This clock will limit the time a pitcher has to throw a pitch to 20 seconds. If the pitcher fails to throw the pitch before the clock runs out, a ball will be awarded to the batter. The pitch clock has been a hotly debated topic among fans and players, with some arguing that it will disrupt the game’s natural flow, while others believe it will speed up gameplay and increase action. [[1]]
New Rule #2: The Electronic Strike Zone
Another new rule for the 2023 MLB season is the introduction of the electronic strike zone. The strike zone will be determined by a computer system that uses cameras and sensors to track the ball’s movement. Umpires will still be present on the field to make calls on other plays, such as foul balls and plays at the plate. The introduction of the electronic strike zone has been met with some resistance from traditionalists who believe that human umpires are an essential part of the game. However, supporters argue that the electronic strike zone will ensure accuracy and fairness in making calls.
New Rule #3: Limiting Defensive Shifts
The MLB has also introduced a new rule to limit defensive shifts during gameplay. The rule stipulates that a team must have two infielders on each side of second base at the time of the pitch. This rule aims to increase action by giving batters a better chance to hit the ball where fielders are not positioned. While some fans and players believe that defensive shifts are a necessary part of the game, others argue that they have made it too difficult for batters to hit the ball.
New Rule #4: Requiring Two Feet in the Batter’s Box
The MLB has also introduced a rule that requires batters to have both feet in the batter’s box at all times during their at-bat. This rule aims to speed up gameplay by reducing the amount of time batters spend outside the box adjusting their equipment or taking practice swings. If a batter violates this rule, a strike will be awarded to the opposing team.
New Rule #5: Changes to the Injured List
The MLB has also made changes to the injured list for the 2023 season. Previously, players on the injured list could not return for at least ten days. However, the new rule reduces the minimum time on the injured list to five days. This rule aims to allow teams to bring back injured players sooner, thus increasing action on the field.
Now that the MLB has introduced several new rules for the 2023 season, it seems that it’s all about increasing action and speeding up gameplay. These rules include the controversial pitch clock, the electronic strike zone, limitations on defensive shifts, requiring two feet in the batter’s box, and changes to the injured list. While some fans and players are resistant to change, these new rules have the potential to make the game more exciting and engaging for all involved.
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