School of Rock star Joey Gaydos Jr. has been arrested 4 times in the past 5 weeks and is currently facing four felony charges for allegedly stealing a number of guitars in Florida according to MSN.
Gaydos, 27, is best known for his role in the 2003 hit film School of Rock. Joey played the lead guitarist donned Zack Attack in the hit film opposite Jack Black in 2003.
However, since his childhood hay day on screen, Joey Gaydos Jr. has reportedly taken a dark path down a road of crime. The former actor has sadly, been arrested four times in five weeks for stealing guitars and an amplifier. The charges of larceny and grand theft are serious and could come with a pretty hefty jail sentence.
Police reports reveal that Joey, went to several local music stores, acting as a potential buyer and testing out the guitars. He then would exit the stores with the expensive instruments attempting to sell them at local pawn shops. Gaydos was eventually caught by employees at Sam Ash Music Store in Sarasota, FL on Feb 11. Allegedly, the employees recognized him from the police footage according to TMZ.
Joey Gaydos Jr. is accused of stealing an $800 Les Paul Epiphone Prophecy, a $700 Fender Stratocaster and a $1,900 Gibson Les Paul gold top and an amplifier. Gaydos has been in trouble with the law before, This isn’t the first run-in with the law for Gaydos, Jr. In 2009, he was arrested for an underage DUI in Michigan after cops reported that he was trying to drive away from a Taco Bell while intoxicated.
According to police, when asked about the guitar thefts, the School of Rock actor admitted his guilt and confessed he took the instruments in hopes of selling them to support his drug problem. However, according to the report, Joey Gaydos Jr. later changed his to plea to not guilty at his most recent court appearance.