Sharon Osbourne admits that she has been suffering from depression for the past 16 years and has been taking medication to help combat her symptoms.
Sharon Osbourne shocks “The Talk” cohosts
On Monday’s episode of “The Talk” when the panel was discussing Wayne Brady’s recent admittance to suffering from bouts of depression, Sharon Osbourne felt it was the right time to admit that she also has been battling depression for nearly two decades.
Sharon Osbourne reveals she still seeks treatment for depression
Osbourne, 62, stunning hr co-workers and friends.”You never talked about that!” said co-host Aisha Tyler. “Nobody ever asked!” replied Osbourne.
“Some days are better than others, and some days you feel like you just want to pull the sheets over your head and just stay in that bed and not do a damn thing – except rot,” she admitted, saying she has gotten help.
Sharon Osbourne’s admittance to depression is just the tip of the iceberg in many other celebrities who are coming out publicly about their own personal battles with depression.
Sharon also revealed that she still seeks professional help for depression to this day. Osbourne, one never shy about sharing the details of her life confessed in September that she slit her wrist when she was 27-years-old to prove her love to husband Ozzy Osbourne.
Comic and TV host Wayne Brady opened up recently about his own personal battles with depression recently admitted that last June, he suffered from a “complete breakdown” on his 42 second birthday.
Brady admits that he is now working to recovery and advises others who suffer from depression to remember that “admitting that you are suffering is the biggest step to recovery.”
What do you think about Sharon Osbourne and Wayne Brady admitting to their personal and private struggles with depression, were you surprised to hear this latest celebrity reveal?
The Talk airs weekdays at 2 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT. Do you believe that Sharon will reach out to Wayne Brady, and possibly do an interview on celebrity depression soon?