Drea de Matteo recently joined former Sopranos co-stars Robert Iler and Jamie Lynn Sigler on their podcast to chat about old times. Everyone was having a great time reminiscing before things took a more serious note.
During the Not Today Pal podcast, Drea de Matteo discussed her role as Adriana La Cerva on the HBO hit mob series The Sopranos. The conversation was getting interesting. However, Drea took on a more serious tone.
Drea de Matteo, 53, tells her former co-stars she is very concerned about government actions. One of her biggest concerns is she believes those fluffy lines showing up in the sky are actually “chemtrails,” consisting of chemical or biological agents. She feels that the government sprayed to control the environment without public suspicion.
According to Radar Online, she also has some strong opinions on what she believes the government agenda is. “Democrats are going to come out and normalize geoengineering the weather” for their purposes,” states de Matteo.
As far as Drea is concerned, things are not right. She shared a quote from former President Lyndon Johnson, stating, “He who controls the weather, will control the world.” de Matteo implies that she believes there is more going on these days than meets the eye.
Drea de Matteo Shares An Eye-Opening Quote
“You don’t need to start f—ing wars. There is a way more insidious way to hurt mankind or to leverage the sky. You can control the crops, you can control the food, you can control the water supply, you can control the water quality,” claims Drea.
Despite Drea’s chemtrails conspiracy theories being dismissed by scientists, she remains very suspicious. She feels the weather is controlled by using “cloud seeding” techniques to create and increase winter snowfall levels to supplement water supplies. She also feels it is used to control global warming, test military weapons, and oversee public health and flooding.
Drea de Matteo continued to hijack the podcast’s smorgasbord of topics of the LA fires, clones, Trump, and sex toys with her conspiracy theories and digs at the government. However, listeners were not too impressed with Drea’s opinions and shared their thoughts in the comment section.
“Oh good, the show I watch to the escape hearing about politics is talking about politics. Perfect,” writes one fan. “OK, Drea is nuts. 6min in and I’m out,” adds another. “This has to be the worst episode. Why ruin the fun podcast we love by having conspiracy theory conversations that have been debunked?”
However, not everyone disagreed with Drea. One fan writes, “She is not lying about weather manipulation. Happens in our area. Everyone is sick of it. And we aren’t getting answers. We found heavy metals in everything.” Another states, “I like her. She’s a real person with visions. She’s not afraid to express.”
Drea de Matteo also admitted that she feels like a Hollywood outcast. No longer acting, de Matteo prefers to call the shots herself. These days Drea is in control of her career. Like many others, she has found another lucrative way to make ends meet. Thanks to her popular Only Fans account.
Image Credits: Instagram.