“Teen Mom” Jenelle Evans and her husband David Eason have some explaining to do. The former MTV reality star’s son, Jace Evans, has been removed from Jenelle’s care. New reports reveal he has been placed in the care of Child Protective Services. There is also confirmation that Jace’s mom, Jenelle, and her husband, David Eason, are currently under investigation by DSS/CPS.
Jace Evans Reveals Reason He Ran Away From Mom Jenelle Evans’ Home
Just as “Teen Mom” fans alleged, there appears to be much more going on than Jenelle Evans revealed with her son Jace Evans. New details are emerging, and they have fans in an uproar. The Ashley was the first to report their exclusive details behind Jace Evans’ third attempt to run away from home.
The Ashley writes that Jace Evans allegedly spoke with his grandmother, Barbara Evans, and told her he left his home because his mom, Jenelle Evans’ husband, David Eason, assaulted him.
The website also states that they have obtained the police report stating that Barbara Evans contacted police officials after speaking with her grandson, Jace. Barb told law enforcement officials that Jace had called her asking to be picked up. However, due to “ongoing custody issues” with her daughter Jenelle Evans, she could not do so.
As previously reported, Barb and Jenelle have been repeatedly battling it out in court over custody issues concerning Jace. Since Jenelle has legal custody at this time, Barb feared that if she attempted to pick Jace, her daughter Jenelle would likely press charges.
What Happens Next For Jace?
Jace Evans was reported missing late last week for the third time in a month. On Thursday night, around 8 p.m., Jenelle Evans was forced to call North Carolina law enforcement agents for the third time to report her 14-year-old son, Jace Evans, missing. According to TMZ reports, the troubled teen crawled out of his bedroom window and ran off into the night.

On Friday morning, the former “Teen Mom “shared on social media that Jace had been found safe but did not go into further details. The Ashley, however, reported that sources close to the situation have revealed that Jace has been hospitalized. The reason behind Jace’s hospitalization is unclear at this time. But, it is confirmed that Jace was not returned to Jenelle’s custody. It is also unclear whether the 14-year-old teen will be placed under his grandmother’s care.
All that is known now is that Jace Evans is being kept safe while law enforcement and CPS investigate Jace’s alleged claims of assault.
Teen Mom Jenelle Evans Speaks Out
On Monday, Jenelle Evans took to social media to speak out on the current situation concerning her teen son, Jace Evans. Just as many of her nonsupporters and longtime followers suspected, Jenelle blames her mother, Barb.
She claims that her mom, Barbara Evans, is lying about her and her family. Jenelle says she has custody of her kids but didn’t mention them by name.
“This isn’t about David, whether you want to blame him or not. My mom says a lot of untrue things lately to everyone about me but wanted me to have custody? Imagine what you don’t hear from my side…Honestly idk why my own mother is acting the way she is. I feel now she’s using police to falsely report just trying to make us look bad as a family. Multiple people are involved in this situation and they know the truth, and so does God.
“Just for insight she has not tried speaking or visiting my kids since July. I’m so confused at this moment and wish I had one parent that was stable enough to talk to. #ToxicParents.”
Jenelle’s Past Excuses
Teen Mom followers are blasting Jenelle Evans and her husband, David Eason, over their excuses concerning Jace Evan’s alleged acts of rebellion. The debate on Reddit is going strong.
Image Credits: Instagram, FaceBook.