Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

‘The Following’ recap: Season 2, episode 11 – ‘Freedom’


“The Following” season 2 is getting good, and viewers are dying to know what will happen with Joe’s new cult, and when Ryan will find out Claire is still alive.

‘The Following’ season 2, episode 11 — ‘Freedom’

In Monday’s all new episode, titled “Freedom,” a deadly massacre, thought to be led by Joe Carroll, will send Ryan and Mike into very dangerous territory.

However, as more details come out, the agents realize that another leader may be on the rise.

Meanwhile, Joe continues to train the Korban cult, and confirms his new plans to Emma and those who doubt him.

As for the Ryan and Claire situation, we’re not sure what will happen with that, but we’ll be on the edge of our seats watching for the moment they reunite.

Check back after the episode for a full recap, which will be posted below.

‘The Following’ recap — Lilly Grey is back with a vengeance

Joe Carroll is still cultivating his new followers, as Ryan’s relationship with the journalist continues.

Meanwhile, Claire, who is still alive, is demanding to see Ryan, who believes she is dead.

Ryan and Mike plan to take down Joe, as Ryan asks Mike about his family after the recent death.

A group of masked killers enter a coffee shop and begin stabbing innocent people.

Mike and Ryan believe Joe’s cult is behind the attacks, as Emma tells Joe that Mandy is becoming a big problem.

Meanwhile, Joe’s new right hand man tells him that other in the cult are doubting his sincerity, and that they miss Mikah. After he leaves, Joe tells Emma they have a problem.

Emma follows him and explains that Joe is the first person who ever believed in her, and that he needs to trust him, and of course they start making out.

Later, Mandy sneaks into Joe’s room and gets on his computer. She finds a number and writes it down, shutting the computer, but not clicking off the website.

An unknown woman kills a nurse and steals her hospital badge. She walks into the hospital, which is chaotic due to the stabbings and plants a book bag in a locker. She texts two of the seemingly wounded stabbing victims and they get the book bag, which is filled with guns.

It’s revealed that the hospital is where Luke is being kept, and that this latest group of terrorists are Lilly Grey’s group, not Joe’s followers.

Ryan and Mike are on to it, but can they get there in time? The men with guns kill the security guards, and a doctor as they set off a smoke bomb, and wear gas masks through the hospital.

The three put Luke on a bed, and roll him through of the hospital as the FBI arrives.

Mike finds the fake nurse, but she refuses to talk. When she lunges at him with a knife she’s shot and killed.

Joe finds out that a TV preacher has set his sights on his new cult. Emma tells him that Robert was right, and the members of the cult need something to believe in.

Mandy packs her bags as she looks torn about leaving Joe behind. She leaves the cult and hitchhikes. She’s picked up by a woman, and tells her she needs to make a call. Mandy calls Mark, Lilly, and Luke.

Ryan tracks Luke and the gunmen through the hospital and finds Luke hiding in the back of a closet.

As Ryan points his gun at Luke, one of the men come and puts a gun to Ryan’s head. Ryan tells the gunmen that he can walk away if he gives him Luke, and then attacks and kills him as Luke runs away.

Luke gets out and is out on the street. He gets away and returns to his mother and twin brother. The three have a tearful reunion.

Joe is angry that Lilly Grey is impersonating him, and vows revenge. Mike tells Ryan Lilly is more calculating than Joe, and now the men have 2 deadly enemies running about.

Later, Mike and Ryan are back at his apartment when 2 FBI agents come in. Mike knows what’s about to happen and apologizes to him. Just then Claire comes in, and Ryan looks stunned.

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By Amanda Lynne

Amanda has been an entertainment writer for 15 years. She has a great love for all things pop culture, and is a TV fanatic. She is also an avid reader and a huge sports fan and loves to cheer on her favorite teams.

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