Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Zayn Malik drops 1D from Twitter handle, causes Twitter frenzy

Zayn Malik quitting One Direction for good? (PR Photos)

Zayn Malik has manage to break the hearts of thousands of teenage girls not once, but twice in past several weeks.First by leaving One Direction, and now by dropping the 1D from his Twitter handle.

Zayn Malik starts Twitter frenzy after dropping 1D from Handle

Zayn Malik fans felt their hearts drop once again after Zayn decided to do away with the 1D connection to his Twitter account.

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Zayn Malik did not make this separation without acknowledgement. Zayn’s first tweet post 1-D made sure to thank all his fans for their support during his time in the band. Malik’s handle was @zaynmalik1D. Now, his handle is now simply @zaynmalik. He also removed a link to One Direction’s official website from his bio.

As per the norm on Twitter anytime any of the One Direction members, or now former members do anything that effects the heart and soul of their followers they ban together in unison to attempt to change it.

Today’s world-wide trending topic of course, social media frenzy #YouWillAlwaysBeZaynMalik1D Try as they might it does not seem to make a difference these days with Zayn Malik.

As previously reported, Malik confirmed his departure from One Direction in March citing that he needed more personal time free from the hectic tour and recording schedule that One Direction demanded.

This departure from One Direction also came at the same time that the substance abuse issues were being raised, and during the time Zayn Malik was accused of a cheating scandal.

Of course Zayn Malik denied that he was cheating, nor was he having issues with his fiance Perrie Edwards at this time. It was just time for a change and a less hectic life according to Malik.

The four remaining members of One Direction’s,Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, and Liam Payne are continuing on with the tour as scheduled. But be still your hearts One Direction fans, it has been speculated that another change you may need to brace yourself for could come into play.

That change is that Harry Styles is reportedly making plans to leave One Direction next. Is it too soon to start a hashtag plea to Harry to stay? What are your thoughts One Direction fans on Zayn Malik’s changes and the rumors that Harry Styles is leaving soon also?

By Ruby Roberts

Ruby is an entertainment writer with a passion for music and a nose for gossip.

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